Tuesday, October 8, 2013

When all else fails, use a discredited, dubious "study"

.....and that's exactly what Brian "brownshirt" Brown of NOM did.  In what has become standard practice among the anti-gay, anti-equality crowd, Brian Brown uses a dubious 'study' by disgraced and discredited Simon Frazier University Professor Douglass Allen to argue that straight parents are WAY better at being....parents. We say disgraced and discredited because, like the Regnerus study on same-sex parenting, much of the data was selectively vetted prior to compiling the data; thus skewing the results to fit with a preconceived and desired outcome.  Thankfully, most intellectuals, professionals and actual scientists have long since dismissed the Regnerus study and will no doubt do so with the Allen study as well.  Sadly, because these studies are also 'published' online, many nefarious organizations like NOM, the AFA and FRC can pick and choose the data that best fits their anti-equality narrative. It's junk science being passed off as fact, which it is not.  The that end, here we have Brown tweeting his tired claim that only a straight, married, heterosexual couple can raise children.......every other family dynamic is evil.  The TTM begs to differ........

Original tweet


It's a myth, like God, Thor or Zeus.....

end of line.........

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