Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Mofo!....Jesus said, hate thy neighbor.....

Pastor....Pastor.....Pastor, whatever will we do with you.  Bad enough you're aligned with the most unchristian of groups, you now must commit an act of such hubris as to break one of Jesus' admonitions in regards to judging others.....on their faith no less?!? Bold, very bold.  Here we have Pastor (?) Foster tweeting about NALT and how NALT is not Christian at all but, in fact, false Christianity.  Some background information before we continue.  NALT is a video/blog initiative created by Dan Savage and Truth Wins Out's Wayne Besen in which Christians speak to the hate that other Christians bring to the world, specifically as it applies to LGBT people.  NALT stands for Not All Like That and deals with the many times uttered line by decent Christians that: "We're not all like that."  In the videos and blogs produced, Christians of many denominations and backgrounds speak to their truth that they, as Christians, do not hate gays nor do they condemn or disapprove of them.......much like Christ commanded to "love one another as you love yourself" and "do unto others as you would have them do unto you."  Noble and kind gestures of support.  But for the good Pastor, it's sacrilege! it's false gospel, it's a false church.  And yet, everything NALT is doing is exactly what Christ commanded of all his followers......so naturally, it begs the question: Who indeed is a true follower of Christ and who indeed are the false prophets who, in their manipulations, desire profits?  Pastor, you may claim to be a man of your god and Christ, but we certainly find you wanting.........

Original tweet

Dishonest, corrupt, puerile and unworthy.

end of line.....

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