Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Obama to the left of me, Christians to the right.......

Poor Peter "Porno Pete" Labarbera, forever cursed to wander the world taking pictures of gay leathermen; whilst simultaneously trying to convince anyone who will listen that he is, in fact, not gay. Someone should really get him some quality cheese for that whine he keeps having.  To that end, Peter graciously tweets for us a wonderful tidbit of tantrum, this one regarding the "Left + Obama" and how they are destroying America.......just look at what they did to the military.......the horror.....the pain.....the absolutely nothing of consequence.  The real reason for this whiny screed is because, a couple of days ago, the U.S. military had, for a short time before backing off, stated that the AFA (Certified anti-gay hate group) was in fact, a hate group.  Well, we can't have that.  What's next, the military advising its members that the sky is blue? Anyway, the TTM has an easy time with this bit of trite banality........

Original tweet


OMG, next, they'll say man can fly!

end of line.......

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