Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Church has been idle........

.....or so many right wingers and haters believe.  Yes, you read that right, apparently the churches in 'Murika (not to be confused with America) have been just sitting idly by while those vile, evil re-decorating, fabulous queers have been gaining equality rights under the law because: The Constitution!  According to Bryan "Lyin' Fissure" Fischer and one of his sheep, the churches have been silent on the matter, totally quiet, Not. A. Peep.  The fact that the Baptists, Evangelicals, Catholics and Mormons (we can't forget them) have been tirelessly throwing up every roadblock and pothole they can to slow the movement of LGBT equality, they haven't been heard from, seriously, not a word according to Bryan.  Ever the master of cognitive dissonance, Bryan proves himself, as does his caller, to be completely out to lunch.  Bad enough that churches have been openly defying the law regarding charitable status entities NOT involving themselves in politics, Fischer somehow tries to act as if none of it has been going on these last 10 years or so.  It's all a dream, so much so that one almost expects Bobby Ewing to walk out of the shower any moment.  Fact is Bryan, the churches have been plenty loud about their disdain for the fellow man, in direct contradiction to the guy their whole church is based on......

Original tweet:


Nope, not a word.

end of line......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So true, the churches have been involved since before prop 8.