Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Bible you say........

Yes, yes he does.  The 'he' in this case being our favourite hate monger, Bryan "Lyin' Fissure' Fischer. Today's tweet is a wonderful bit of revisionist history, specifically dealing with the Founding Fathers of the United States.  You see, Bryan believes that the U.S. constitution is a document direct from god, oh yes he does.

He, along with many Evilangelicals in the states, believes that the Founding Fathers were deeply and devoutly Christian.  Problem is, they weren't.  Not a one of them.  They were, at best, theists but all were deeply suspicious of religion, especially Christianity.  Many of the Founders wrote at length about America specifically NOT being a Christian nation.  Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, John Hancock and others eschewed the notion of a theocracy, let alone a Christina Dominion.  They were men of science, phylosphy and freethinkers.  They would be horrified to see their great endeavor being usurped and prostituted as a Christian hegemony.  Well, the TTM is having no of it and corrects Fischer's assertions......

Original tweet:


Really now.....

end of line.......

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