Thursday, August 29, 2013

Free speech you say.........

Leave it to Brian 'brownshit' Brown to twist the 1st amendment into a document who's sole purpose in existence is to protect 'good christian values'......everyone else be damned.  In the is tweet, Brian huffs and puffs about the 1st amendment being sidelined because an author, of dubious repute, whines about the reality of public services and sales.  Specifically, the case of wedding photographer Elane Huguenin, who was sued because she refused services to a lesbian couple. Her argument being that, as a 'godly person', she could not violate her sincerely held beliefs and serve the women.....except, under state law, which Huguenin would have been advised prior to opening her PUBLIC business, she was bound by the non-discrimination clause of the public service act, which included protections for same sex citizens.  This of course did not prevent author Frank Turek (apparently a Doctor, one can only imagine the damage to his patients) from writing a wonderful bit of obfuscation couched in puerile rationalizing. (If you go to the link, note how he equates a wedding photo with a gay videographer filming an anti-gay creates an interesting illusion of reason, until you consider the full subtext of what's being said.)  To distill a marriage down a sex act just to fit your narrative? Tacky is the word that best describes.  Anyway, have a look at how the TTM read Brian's tweet......

Original tweet:

Oh brownshirt, forever misinterpreting laws for the sake of a good bash.

end of line.......

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