Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Canadian U.S. Senator walked into.......

...pile of dishonest do-do today with a tweet that reeks of such dishonesty, one begins to wonder if there is indeed any Canadian in him at all.......the TTM hopes not.  Meet Senator Ted "I am not a Canadian, even though I was born in Calgary" Cruz.  A man who seems poised to be become the next big thing in witch hunts and political innuendo games.   Here, Cruz tweets how awful it is that big health care venture capitalists are running from America because, somehow, Obamacare will cut into their inflated profit margins.  Their motto being "Money before Health and Safety", it's understandable why these vultures would fly the coup. Instead of charging $60 for an aspirin, they only get to gouge the consumer the meager sum of $40!!! Are you as shocked as the TTM is? Poor things will only make $39.32 profit, the horror of it all.  Facts being what they are and seeing as Sen. Cruz has never actually understood the concept, he tweets a 'FACT' that rings only true when seen through the prism that is right-wing politics in 'Murika.  You decide.......

Original tweet:


Very un-Canadian of you Senator.

end of line.....

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