HAHAHAHA! Sometimes we just LOVE Matt "Bam-Bam" Barber.....if only for the entertainment he brings us with his obvious and, in this case, sexually charged tweets. We say sexually charged because, according the non-biblical scholar types like Barber and Billy Graham, the story of Sodom & Gomorrah is about gays and not, as many reputable scholars say, the acts of an inhospitable citizenry. Further, the use of the term punish in conjunction to Sodom & Gomorrah makes the sexual comparative all the more appealing.
The problem, of course, is that Barber knows ZERO about the Bible and even less about the facts as they are today in the modern world. Barber, along with Graham, lament the progression of LGBT rights in the U.S. and around the world. They gnash their teeth and bellow to anyone who will listen, that God will punish us for our grievous sin of being decent to other human beings........except, the facts don't bear out the assertion regarding God's apparent non-love of gay people.
Let's take the assertion of punishment. According the Evangelicals like Barber and Graham, God so hates gays that: any nation that tolerates or accepts LGBT's is deserving of punishment and will be cursed by God.
Now, let's look at reality. Canada, Belgium, The Netherlands, South Africa and 13 other countries have; not only LGBT rights enshrined in law but, they also allow, to the consternation of many Christians, same-sex marriage. And yet........no Godly punishment. Not a whiff of discontent from on high.........nary a rise in the water, let alone a flood.
So what are we to make of this? Is God biding his time or, as is probably the case, he just doesn't care.....and that assumes he's even there to begin with. Oh, and as for an apology.....if God does exist, he needs to apologize for people like you. No Matt, sorry to tell you but, if there's any punishment to be had due to sexual impropriety, it's probably going to involve you in a rubber suit, tied down on a leather clad table and having yourself flogged by Mistress Demona. Hmmmm, perhaps this tweet is one of wishful thinking...............
Original tweet
Oh Lord, Whip me, Beat me, Show me you care.
end of line..........
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