Oh that Matt "KKKloset Kase" Drudge, always tweeting his deepest, darkest sexual fantasies. How else to explain this douchey tweet. Bill De Blasio, a Democrat, won the Mayoral race in New York City last week and well, you would've thought the Crips and the Bloods had just marched into town.......of course, given Matt's not so secret fantasy of being gang-banged, he should this as a two-fer.
Now, to be fair and honest, we are merely speculating as to what Matt's sexual proclivities might entail but, the tone of his tweet suggests a hint of desire. This is made all the more so by the accompanying picture from the poster for the film he mentions, The Warriors. Now, for those who have not seen this rather violent (for the times) gang banger flick, let's just say that gangsters seemed pretty.......that's it, pretty. The leans, sweaty bodies all macho and itching for a fight.......it's enough to cause any self-respecting queer an boner or, in Matt's case, any self-loathing queer too.
Of course, what Matt is really implying is simple, cynical right-wing bullshit: that being that, since a Democrat has now become Mayor of New York, the city will delve into chaos, crime and gun violence.......the last one being rather an odd criticism given Matt's almost erotic love of the 2nd amendment.
Anyway, it's a cheap shot by a republican sycophant who sees himself as somehow being of some relevance or importance to the GOP but, sadly for him, will never be accepted because of his gay 'lifestyle.' We can't and won't feel sorry for Matt as he dug this hole of puerile petulance all by his lonesome. Perhaps, if he ever grows up and starts looking at the world honestly, maybe......but not until then......
Original tweet
end of line........
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