Dear GAWD! When will Bryan "Lyin' Fischer" Fischer stop? Not anytime soon, we hope. It's not that we approve or agree with Fischer, far from it. But, truth be told, we'd miss any opportunity to be bemused or entertained by his petulant displays of 'Fauxtrage.' Case in point: here we have our dour and intrepid Bryan trying to be clever. You see, Bryan, in an attempt to outsmart a liberal, actually makes one of the most egregious faux pas's one can make. In what Fischer believes is a 'AHA! GOTCHA!' tweet, Bryan foolishly offers up the idea that 'sodomy' AKA non-vaginal sex, is not a right because it's not in the constitution. Of course, Bryan is quite correct, there is no constitutional right to sodomy......but then, there's also no constitutional right to vaginal intercourse AKA straight sex either. This is where one would usually say: "So what's your point?" Fischer is so blinded by his own bias that he completely hoists himself on his own petard with this tweet. His dubious argument is a fallacy of the obvious kind and, once again, proves that he is no match for a rock when it comes to logic. Newsflash Bryan, there's no constitutional right to being an ignorant twat and yet, you somehow manage to get away with it. False logic, circular arguments that collapse under the most basic scrutiny and fallacies posited as facts make Fischer one the all time favourites for the TTM.......what would we do without our Bryan? ...........
Original tweet
There's also no right to adultery and yet........
end of line........
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