Monday, October 28, 2013

ReTHUGlican talks tough....we laugh.......

Bluntly put, Allen "War Criminal" West is an ass......a complete and utter ass.....and an ignorant ass at that. Bad enough that West continues to believe himself relevant in some way, but now he pompously pontificates on matters that, frankly, no longer concern him.  As a disgraced former military man, it is with incredible hubris that West dares to even comment on matters regarding the U.S. Army and it's policies.  West is first and foremost a man who believes he, and he alone, is the paragon of virtue when it comes to what the U.S. Army should believe and espouse......somebody should have told him about this thing called the 1st amendment, since it is the 1st amendment that speaks to the issue of establishing a singular religion. That all said, here we have his lordship 'bravely' puffing his chest and demanding to know who approved the Army's briefings regarding the dubious connection of certain Christian organizations and their involvement in corrupting the U.S. Army.  West is so upset he figuratively froths at the mouth with manufactured and practiced almost believes he's sincere.......almost.  But then, as is the usual case with West, reality sets in and we are reminded of his dishonesty and deceptive nature; he's simply a man with no honour, dignity or respect for others.  As for the 1st amendment and it's clearly stated 'no establishment of religion' clause, West seems to do what most 'Christians' like him do, cherry pick.  With that in mind, the TTM deal readily with he's tweet.....

Original tweet

Poor Allen, always finding new ways to display ignorance.

end of line..........

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