Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Someone's pants must be on fire......

That is how the saying goes, isn't it? "Liar, liar, pants on fire."  If this saying were true, Rand Paul would be running down the streets of Washington DC, trying desperately to put out the fire on his ass......of course, being the absolutist libertarian that he is, he surely wouldn't ask for help from the fire department, would he? We digress. Here we have Paul regurgitating one of the greatest lies to ever exist when it comes to the U.S. debt.  You see, like his republican counter parts and tea party allies, Paul perpetuates the myth that President Obama single handily created a $6 trillion debt out of thin air.  Of course, anyone with any reliable brain matter and thought process would tell you that the so called uber-debt was just the Obama administration placing the full cost of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars on the public books.  See, George W. and his cronies didn't budget the wars and thus were able to 'cook' the books to reflect a smaller deficit/debt.  It worked and Bush was elected to a second term, all the while hiding the actual costs of "fighting for our freedom" from the American people.  Along comes Obama who, unlike Bush and the republicans, wants the American people to know what those foolish, lie induced wars cost......and voila, trillions more debt on the books.  Of course, Paul knows this but still tweets a rather dubious bit of WTF?  The TTM happily counters......

Original tweet


Feel the burn Rand, feel the burn.

end of line.......

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