Tuesday, September 10, 2013

She's Palin by comparison......

Well now, it's been a slow day on the twittersphere but happily, the "quitter on twitter" did not disappoint. That's right, Sarah "the quitter on twitter" Palin has graced us once again with her witty repartee and keen insights into foreign policy.....because she can see Russia from her house don't ya know.  Well, the vapid, vacuous and ever so venal Palin has once again demonstrated why she should NEVER be allowed near the house, let alone ever occupy it.  In today's tweet, quitter Sarah bloviates about Syria being a 'distraction' and that 'Murika needs to get back to work.  Not surprising Sarah would use the word distraction to describe people being killed, I mean really, what else does one expect from a woman who kills wolves for sport from a helicopter. And, not one to let a good "kill the President" euphemism go to waste, she then notes that the President should be bombed.  Now, of course, she doesn't mean that literally but then again, given some of her followers, it's always a possibility.  Such is the cray-cray she surrounds herself with.  So without further ado, the TTM translates this one with some fun.

Original tweet:


Step away from the White House m'am......slowly....

end of line.....

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