Thursday, September 19, 2013

It's a religion............

It is? Well now, that's going to come as news to many an atheist.  That's right, our favorite porno-purveyor is back with another alarmingly stupid statement.  Peter "Porno Pete" Labarbera is once again 'schooling' us on what something is as opposed to what it isn't.  In this case, the something in question is atheist.  Now, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, an atheist is:  the doctrine that there is no deity:a disbelief in the existence of deity.  Got that?  Now here's the definition of religion: an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods:an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group. Ok, now we can proceed.  Peter would have you believe that, atheism, the complete lack of belief or faith, is a religion.  Further, he would have believe that atheism is 'not scientific.'  Why? because some scientists believe in God.  I'll give you moment to let that tidbit sink in..........
Yes, you're thoughts regarding this are correct, Peter is a moron.  How else to describe a man who actually declares a position of non-belief without evidence as being the same as a system that requires belief in spite of no evidence.  And worse still, he compounds the problem by using men of science who believe in God as some kind of evidence in and of itself.  No Peter, you've got it all wrong.  Atheism is not a religion because there is nothing to believe; whereas religion is all about belief.  The two are mutually exclusive.  Put another way: If you believe you're talking to God, that's faith.....if you KNOW you're talking to God, that's schizophrenia.  An atheist doesn't ponder this question because there's nothing there.  For them, it's 'give me evidence', with the faithful it's 'I don't need evidence.'  One is rooted is science, the other is rooted in imagination......simple as that.  As for stating scientist believe in God therefore there is a God, well, that's just ignorant sophistry pretending to be a statement of fact.  One other point Peter: atheism isn't 'ANTI' anything. Unlike you, atheists simply ask for evidence before becoming 'PRO' something......if anything, it's people like you who are 'ANTI', as in anti-evidence, anti-science, anti-fact.

Original tweet:


Round and round we go....

end of line......

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