Thursday, November 7, 2013

From dirt thou'st came..........

Again with Fischer!!! The gift that keeps on giving.  Well now, what do we have to say about this except.....OMG! Bryan "Lyin' Fissure" Fischer is warming up to the idea of evolution.  Seriously, how else to explain this tweet. A study at Cornell University showed that hydrogel, a basic compound involved in possible life generation, was found to exist in clay.  Now, to a scientist, this would merely be an interesting, albeit, transitory fact....but not for Bryan.  Oh no, for Bryan, this is definitely the beginnings of proving the story in genesis as it pertains to the creation of man.  As the story goes, God created man from dirt and, since clay is basically dirt, the fact the hydrogel, a component in the possible evolution of life on earth is in clay, it confirms genesis.  Of course, had Bryan bothered to read the entire study, he would have noted that the hydrogel existed hundreds of thousands of years before primates walked the earth. So much for the earth being 6000 years old. Thing is, HE DID READ the whole thing and still questions the origins of the clay hydrogel.  He doesn't dispute the age....he doesn't even dispute the assertion in the study that states the hydrogel was a component to EVOLUTION! So what are we to make of this? Is Fischer acknowledging evolution? We doubt it. Knowing Bryan, he's doing what he always does, conflating two very different postulations, one fact based, the other mythological, in the hopes of appearing to have solved the universal question posed by scientists and theologians alike. It's a scam, of course, meant to obfuscate the sheep who follow his daily preachings and money begs.  We set the record straight.........

Original tweet



end of line.......

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