Oh that Bryan.....Bryan "Lyin' Fissure" Fischer, always finding new and interesting ways to slam gay people.....seriously Bryan, you really do think about gay people a lot. In this tweet, Bryan, ever the medical expert, states that; because Trans Fats may be banned due to health concerns, homosexuality should be banned as well because......well, it's unhealthy. Insert eye roll here. The painfully obvious slam at gays is unmistakable as is his disdain. Fischer has, in the past, advocated everything from imprisonment to genocide for homosexuals, all the while turning a blind eye to the unhealthy chosen lifestyle of many Christians. Denial of one's sexuality is harmful and dangerous; Fischer knows this and, in a cynical turn, does all he can to do more harm. He's a vile, contemptible piece of human feces, deserving of neither respect or consideration. The only reason the TTM pays him any heed is to simply show the world what he's about. We would never demand he be censored, as people like him would become martyrs......better to shine the bright light of truth upon him to, as one does with cockroaches. The TTM happily obliges.......
Original tweet
Spelling mistake aside, you're still a douchebag.
end of line........
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