Friday, November 1, 2013

Don we now our..........

Oh Gawd!! This tweet is so spurious, we're simply going to rip it head on.  Some quick background: Hallmark issued an ornament celebrating the song 'Deck the Halls'. The ornament, which was fashioned as a sweater, had the words "Don we now our FUN apparel."  Hallmark had removed the word "gay" and substituted the word "fun."  It caused a bit of a controversy on the web, with some gay groups wondering why the change? Hallmark then admitted it was an error in judgment.  That should have been the end of it of course; but, as is wont with people like Bryan "Lyin' Fissure" Fischer, a good controversy is not so easily passed up.  With that in mind, Fischer tweeted a lamentation regarding the "scalping" of Hallmark by "Big Gay" bigots.  Of course, what's interesting about the tweet itself is twofold: A) the implied racism of the word 'scalp' and B) the fact that: if Hallmark had kept the word 'Gay', we have no doubt that Fischer would have kicked up a fuss and accused Hallmark of 'promoting' homosexuality.  In many ways, this was a lose/lose for Hallmark.  Either way they went, the blowhards of the right would have had a tantrum.  Sadly, some in the gay community didn't help matters either and, to them we say: "Knock it off, it's an ornament, not a human right" The TTM does its best to clarify.......

Original tweet

Translation: nothin'

end of line.....

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