Tuesday, October 29, 2013


......and here we go again. Once again, fake ex-gay Pastor (?) Foster tweets a lie so blatantly dishonest, one wonders if the God he believes in isn't ready to just smite his lying ass.  In today's tweet, Pastor (?) Foster pontificates, with an absolute certainty might we add, that gay people choose to be gay.  Must be true, after all, who wouldn't want to choose a life of constant discrimination, violence and hatred......it's fun, fun, fun! Of course, Foster is wrong and, frankly, completely full of shit. And yet, when asked to provide proof of his assertion, he offer none.  And, like the coward he is, when confronted with the question of whether one chooses to be straight, well, that's different. It's a gutless ploy that constantly fails......if only because no one on the right can offer a rational response......because they know damned well they can't offer one.  With that being the case, the TTM offers a more truthful tweet, one more reflective of Pastor (?) Foster's utter vile and venal nature.......

Original tweet


Make your choice.

end of line........

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