Monday, October 28, 2013

I declare.....

WOW!!! Where to begin with this tweet and it's complete and utter lack of any rational thought or truth for that matter.  Here we have Peter "Porno Pete" Labarbera tweeting that, according to his own demented and twisted mind, President Obama declared this past June "Porn-users Pride Month"......this was news to us!  It took us awhile to regain our composure from all the giggles and guffaws.  Peter offers no proof, no link, no citation or rationale for his assertion.  Nope.....this tweet is the product of his twisted, sexually repressed and bitter little mind. We are neither surprised nor shocked so much as astounded that anyone would tweet such an obvious and slanderous lie.  As usual, Peter proves himself to be a fountain of fun and we happily respond.  OH, did we mention that, as is always the case with Peter, his tweet is based on his racist hatred of Obama? Did we need to? Of course not..........

Original tweet


Racist & repressed pig says what?

end of line.......

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