Thursday, August 22, 2013

I like me some butt sex.....

...or, more to the point, talks about it. Bryan "Lyin' Fissure" Fischer is talking butt sex again......well, in a round about way.  Here we have Bryan doing his best to manipulate and out right lie about the laws as they pertain to New Mexico.  Short version: New Mexico (NM) has no constitutional ban on same sex marriage but they do have a non-discrimination law that includes gays so, as is a natural extension, a county clerk issued a marriage license for gays to marry.  Cue Lyin' Bryan to whine and wail......of course, given his desire to talk about gay sex more than gay men do, the Matrix did it's best to was tough but I think it got it right.  What do you think?

Original Tweet:


End of line.........

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